Our Projects

Our Projects

Resilience, Connection, and Belonging across the Built Environment

The Drachman Institute has been pleased to work collaboratively with the communities of Arizona and the Southwest since 1986.

We have engaged students, staff, faculty, university collaborators and citizens as a multidisciplinary collaborative striving to make our communities healthier, safer and more beautiful as well as more vibrant and resilient. Selected projects from those collaborations are available here as a resource for our neighbors:


Recent Projects

Earlier Projects

These documents reflect conditions, constraints and opportunities existing at the time the studies were completed:

Project Title Location Year

A Home for the Hia-Ced O'odham

Why, Arizona 2010

Affordable and Mixed-Income Housing in Transit-Oriented Development for Eastern Pima County

Tucson, South Tucson, Sahuarita, Marana, Oro Valley 2013
Altar Valley Middle School Master Plan Three Points, Arizona 2013

Amphi/Mountain View Visioning

Tucson, Arizona 2011

City of Apache Junction Housing Assessment & Strategic Plan

City of Apache Junction Housing Assessment & Strategic Plan

Apache Junction, Arizona 2010

Arizona Pioneer's Home Cemetery - Plan for Erosion Control, Maintenance, and Design

Arizona Pioneer's Home Cemetery - Plan for Erosion Control, Maintenance, and Design

Prescott, Arizona 2009

Assistance with Professional Training for Afghan Cultural Heritage Officials, Part 2

Afghanistan 2015

City of Avondale Housing Assessment & Recommended Strategies

Avondale, Arizona 2010

Balboa Heights / El Cortez / Coronado Heights / Keeling / Northwest / Miracle Manor Visioning

Tucson, Arizona 2011

Barrio Anita Memorial Park Conceptual Plan

Tucson, Arizona 2005

Barrio Centro Neighborhood Improvement Plan

Tucson, Arizona 2005

Barrio Kroger Lane Preliminary Neighborhood Planning

Tucson, Arizona 2009

Barrio San Antonio and Miles Neighborhoods' Community Center Plan

Tucson, Arizona 2009

Bates Well Ranch Historic Structure Report, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Ajo, Arizona 2007

Bitahochee Trading Post Design for Adaptive Reuse

Indian Wells, Arizona 2009

Broadmoor Neighborhood Treat Walkway Improvement Plan

Tucson, Arizona 2004
Bryce Canyon Lodge and Old NPS Housing, Cultural Landscape Report, Bryce Canyon National Park Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah 2006

Campbell Avenue: A Study of the Campbell Avenue Corridor

Campbell Avenue: A Study of the Campbell Avenue Corridor

Tucson, Arizona 2003

Cannon-Douglass House Preservation Plan

Cannon-Douglass House Preservation Plan

Tucson, Arizona 2010

Carver Park Neighborhood Revitalization Strategies

Yuma, Arizona 2003

City of Casa Grande Low-Income Prototype Housing

City of Casa Grande Low-Income Prototype Housing

Casa Grande, Arizona 2003

Chiricahua National Monument Historic Designed Landscape National Register Nomination

Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona 2004

Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Assessment for the Cultural Resources in the National Park Service's Intermountain Region Vanishing Treasures Program

National Park Service Intermountain Region 2014
Community Engagement in a Pandemic Varies 2021

Community Planning and Project Evaluation: Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 (NSP2)

Tucson neighborhoods: Elvira, Rose, Julia Keen, Santa Cruz SW, Cardinal/Valencia, Stella Mann, Bravo Park, Wakefield, A-Mountain, Fairgrounds, Los Ninos, Sunset Villa 2011, 2013

Communities Putting Prevention to Work: Built Environment Team Summary Report

Pima County, Arizona 2010-2012

Coronado Heights Neighborhood Profile & Goals

Tucson, Arizona 2012

Coronado Heights Visioning and Planning

Tucson, Arizona  2011

El Cortez Heights Neighborhood Analysis

Tucson, Arizona  2007

Desert View High School Monet Garden Amphitheater Design

Tucson, Arizona  2006

Desert Winds Elementary School and Picture Rocks Intermediate School Master Plan

Marana, Arizona  2011

Doolen-Fruitvale / Dodge-Flower Healthy Neighborhoods Planning and Design Process

Tucson, Arizona  2011

The El Paso and Southwestern Greenway Master Plan

Tucson, Arizona

El Paso & Southwestern (Douglas) YMCA, Historic Structure Condition Assessment Report

Douglas, Arizona 2004
Elvira Neighborhood Improvement Plan Tucson, Arizona 2009

Faraway Ranch, Cultural Landscape Report, Chiricahua National Monument

Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona 2013

The Florence Greenway: A Bridge to the Future and A Connection to the Past

Florence, Arizona 2005

Flowing Wells Neighborhood Plan

Tucson, Arizona 2011

First Administration Building, Historic Structure Report, Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona 2008

The Garden District Neighborhood Vision & Plan

Tuscon, Arizona  2011

Globe-Miami Housing Assessment

Miami-Globe, Arizona 2006

Grant/Silverbell Development

Tucson, Arizona  2004

Greening the Bronx Wash

Tucson, Arizona  2007

The Groves-Lincoln Park Assessment, Analysis & Landscape Plan

Tucson, Arizona  2007

Gu Achi District Housing Master Plan

Gu Achi District, Tohono O'odham 2009

Ha:sañ Prepatory & Leadership School Master Plan

Tucson, Arizona  2011

Hassayampa River Preserve Conceptual Plan & Landscape Design

Wickenberg, Arizona  2008

Hermit's Rest, Historic Structure Report, Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona 2008

US Highway 60/70 - A Community Transportation and Aesthetic Improvement Corridor

Miami-Globe-San Carlos, Arizona 2008

Historic and Architectural Resources of Downtown Tucson, Arizona, National Register Nominations

Downtown Tucson, Arizona 2002
City of Holbrook Housing Assessment and Strategic Plan Holbrook, Arizona 2006
House of Neighborly Service Master Plan Tucson, Arizona 2011

Housing Arizona: Background Report for 93rd Arizona Town Hall

Arizona 2008

Hubbell Trading Post Furnishings Report and Plan

Navajo Indian Reservation, Ganado, Arizona 2012

Infill Development and Tucson's Future - A Community-Generated Report

City of Tucson, Arizona 2005

Jefferson Park Neighborhood Plan

Tucson, Arizona 2007

Kaibeto Creek Community

Kaibeto, Navajo Nation 2010

Keeling Neighborhood Greenway Project Preliminary Design Ideas

Tucson, Arizona 2006

Kykotsmovi Shopping Plaza Evaluation & Phasing Proposal

Kykotsmovi Village, Arizona 2001
Lake Havasu City Housing Assessment and Strategic Plan

Lake Havasu City, Arizona


Maintenance Guides for the Treatment of Historic Properties, Petrified Forest National Park

Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona 2005

Mansfeld Middle School Preservation Master Plan

Tucson, Arizona 2006

Mansfield Park Conceptual Plan

Tucson, Arizona  2007

Marana Community Food Bank Farm Plan

Marana, Arizona 2008

Marana Farm Visioning, Participatory Process, & Design

Marana, Arizona 2011

Marana Heritage River Park

Marana, Arizona 2013

Town of Marana Honea Heights Neighborhood Park & Infill Housing

Marana, Arizona 2008

City of Maricopa Housing Assessment & Strategic Plan

Maricopa, Arizona 2010

Mat Bevel Institute Project Recommendation & Site Analysis

Tucson, Arizona 2003

Miramonte Neighborhood Plan

Tucson, Arizona 2008

Missions Initiative, Cultural Resource Partnership

Mission sites in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico 2002 - current

El Montevideo Neighborhood Analysis & Improvement Ideas

Tucson, Arizona


Morley Avenue Strip, Nogales Arizona

Nogales, Arizona 2008
Mountain 1st Neighborhood Improvement Plan Tucson, Arizona 2004

Mountain View Neighborhood Assessment, Analysis, & Plan

Tucson, Arizona  2007

Native Peoples Projects: Portfolio of Work

Navajo Wash: Hedrick Acres Neighborhood Pocket Park Design Tucson, Arizona 2007

Nogales Housing Asssessment and Strategic Plan

Nogales, Arizona  2008

Northwest YMCA Community Garden

Casas Adobes, Arizona 2011

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument History of Ranching, Thematic Context Study

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona 2009

Patagonia, Arizona: Affordable Housing Study

Patagonia, Arizona 2007

Patagonia Rails to Trails Study

Patagonia, Arizona 2007

Pine Creek Historic District, National Register Amendment, Zion National Park

Zion National Park, Utah 2012

Pioneer Regional Park, Connecting Recreation Through the Landscape

Prescott, Arizona 2007

Pratt Cabin, Historic Structure Report, Guadalupe Mountains National Park

Guadalupe Mountain National Park, Texas 2012

El Presidio ADOT Infill Development

Tucson, Arizona 2004

Richland Heights West Neighborhood Traffic Barrier Improvements Conceptual Plan

Tucson, Arizona 2006

Rio Rico Community School Greenway Conceptual Plan

Rio Rico, Arizona 2005

Roskruge Middle School Garden Design and Planting Plan

Tucson, Arizona 2011

St Marks Church Vision & Plan

Tucson, Arizona 2012

San Juan Park Plan

Tucson, Arizona 2007

Santa Monica Church Faith Based Urban Agriculture

Tucson, Arizona 2012

City of Sedona Affordable Housing Prototypes

Sedona, Arizona


City Show Low Housing Assessment and Recommendations

Show Low, Arizona 2007

City of Sierra Vista Housing Assessment & Stratetigc Plan

Sierra Vista, Arizona 2008

South Park / Last Vistas / Pueblo Gardens Vision

Tucson, Arizona 2011

South Park Neighborhood

Tucson, Arizona 2004

City of South Tucson Community Futures Demonstration Project

South Tucson, Arizona 2005

City of South Tucson El Paso and Southwest Greenway Project

South Tucson, Arizona  2011

Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation Glenn Street Apartments Master Plan & Design

Tucson, Arizona  2008

Southside Presbyterian Church Master Plan

Tucson, Arizona  2011

Summit Colonia Master Plan

Summit, Arizona 2012

Sunnyside Neighborhood Proposed Improvements

Tucson, Arizona 2012
Swan Park Conceptual Improvement Plan Tucson, Arizona 2008

Telemedicine Prototype Facility Planning and Design Project for Arizona Rural Tribes

Arizona 2013  

Timpanogos Cave National Monument, Visitor Center Conceptual Design

American Fork, Utah 2010

Toumey Park Neighborhood Conceptual Improvement Plan

Tucson, Arizona 2008
The Town of Pinetop-Lakeside Housing Assessment & Strategic Plan Pinetop-Lakeside, Arizona 2010

Transit-Oriented Development Neighborhood Study: A Series of Eight Station Reports for Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa, Arizona

Phoenix/Tempe/Mesa, Arizona 2011
Trekell Park Renovations Eloy, Arizona 2005

Tucson Community Center Landscape Conservation Plan

Tucson, Arizona 2012

Tumacacori National Historical Park, Acequia and Compuerta Preservation Plan

Tumacacori National Historical Park, Tumacacori-Carmen, Arizona 2014



Employer-Assisted Housing: A Study of Faculty and Staff Interest at the University of Arizona

Tucson, Arizona 2007

University of Arizona Medical Center South Campus Built Environment Assessment and Design Proposal

Tucson, Arizona 2012

The Urban Farm - Community Food Bank

Tucson, Arizona  2011

Utah Parks Company Service Station, Historic Structure Report, Bryce Canyon National Park

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah 2005

Vida Neuva Church Master Plan

Tucson, Arizona  2011

Wilcox Visitor Center Enhancement Proposal

Wilcox, Arizona  2005

Williams Ranch, Historic Structure Report, Guadalupe Mountains National Park

Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas 2013

City of Winslow Strategic Housing Plan & Assessment

Winslow, Arizona  2006

Winterhaven Historic District National Register Nomination

Tucson, Arizona  2003

Yuma Neighborhood Development Association Affordable Housing for the Carver Park Neighborhood

Yuma, Arizona  2007


For additional information, or to learn more about funding or participating in a project with the Drachman Institute, please contact Drachman Institute Director Courtney Crosson. Or submit your community project now.